The Delivery: Raspberry bites from Sjaak's, a ton of cookies, and The Perfect Formula Diet by Janice Stanger, Ph.D.
Staff Pick: The chocolate chip cookies from Lucy's
The DL: Vegans who like their Starbucks can now rejoice! These cookies, which are both vegan and gluten-free, are now being sold in half of the chain's locations nationwide, as reported on VegNews.com. It's not coffee cake, but it's a great start!

Over priced, hard as a rock, not even good taste
I tried the sugar cookies this morning... they leave a LOT to be desired but if you have them with your soy latte they're not so bad. :)
I've read the Perfect Formula Diet. It's a good solid read full of simple facts and scientific explainations. If someone wants to know why whole plant foods help maintain health, and prevent serious disease this book explians it.
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