Monday, October 18, 2010

Book and Face Products

The Date: Monday, October 18
The Delivery: Face products from Derma E, and a book.

The DL: While Derma E's fantastic products are always very, very, welcome at VNHQ, we're on a book kick after all the amazing books we received last week such as Isa Chandra Moskowitz' new cookbook, Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet, and Asian Fusion. The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life is Urban Housewife and Sugar Beat Sweets founder Melisser Elliott's first book, filled with recipes, DIY, profiles of vegans worldwide, travel tips, and more. Elliott also recently launched a vegan beauty website, Cruelty Free Face. Need some new products for your own cruelty-free face? Enter the VegNews.Com Manic Panic Makeup giveaway, which features a prize palette of bold colors just in time for Halloween!


  1. Such an awesome blog! :-) I love it -- great post! Cool products.


    Psst: Come check out my charity blog:
    Please become a follower! ;-)

  2. yayyyyy so excited for this book!
