Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vanilla Deliciousness

The Date: Thursday, November 4
The Delivery: Cookies and new Arbonne body and skin care products
Staff Pick: Alternative Baking Company's new Simply Vanilla Bean Cookie of the Season

The DL: Maybe we're a little bit excited about the upcoming holidays (it's almost December, people!), or maybe we just happened to revisit last year's VegNews Holiday Cookie Collection, but this seasonal Vanilla Bean cookie threw us into a fit of holiday anticipation. Also, it's a vegan cookie made by the 2010 Veggie Awards winners Alternative Baking Company, so it's going to be delicious. You wouldn't know it's nearing the holidays in this crazy San Franciscan heat (we know you're jealous, sorry!), but we'll devour classic vanilla vegan cookies anytime!

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