The Date: Thursday, March 31
The Delivery: Green is the New Red by Will Potter, Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale, Vegan Family Meals by Ann Gentry, and men's hair gel, shower gel, and body spray by LUSH Cosmetics
Staff Pick: Vegan Family Meals
The DL: Ann Gentry's new cookbook, filled with vibrant photos of soups, lasagnas, and cookies, is making our mouths water. We wouldn't mind cooking up tofu scrambles with avocado, bacon, and cheese, dark onion soup with cashew cream and herbed croutons, or double-chocolate brownies, but since we don't have an oven or stove here at the VNHQ, we might need some help. Let us know if you want to make it for us. We'll bring the cookbook and This Week's Must Have (Dark chocolate with quinoa crisps: it's the perfect palate cleanser!).